Deltatre - Icon grouping
UPDATE: New, unreleased and confidential work for Deltatre can be found here
User Research
User Testing
User Journeys
User Interface (UI)UI
Design System
Responsible for continued UX/UI refresh and evolution of DIVA.
Business Requirement
In high scoring or high number of items tagged as timeline events, we’d like to present a more user-friendly approach and not be overwhelmed with an overlapping of icons on the timeline.
Users were already using the existing feature, but it was clear that once we moved into different, high scoring sports that the timeline would become unusable and look a mess.
We decided that grouping the icons into one icon, that could use timestamp data to roll events together into a much more aesthetically appealing structure was a much more efficient way of presenting usable timeline icons back to the user.
They can still get to all the events that happen within that time period (defined by amount of screen retail) with a simple click/tap on the icon and then view all events associated with that grouping.